Add appbuilder and config
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
import os
fn main() {
mut args := []bool{len: 3}
for mut arg in args {
arg = false
for i := 0; i < os.args.len; i++ {
if i == 0 {i++}
match os.args[i] {
"-i", "--icons" { args[0] = true }
"-t", "--tooltip" { args[1] = true }
"-a", "--all" { args[2] = true }
"-h", "--help" {
println("\nUsage:\n ${os.args[0]} [-htia]\n\nGenerates Applications menu for Joe's Window Manager.\n\nUsage in .jwmrc:\n<Dynamic label=\"Applications\" icon=\"view-list\">\n\texec: ${os.args[0]}\n</Dynamic>
\nOptions:\n -h, --help\tShow this text.\n -i, --icons\tAlso generate icons.\n -t, --tooltip\tAlso generate tooltips.\n -a, --all\tDo not generate categories: list all applications.\n\nv1.0")
else {
println("Unknown argument: ${os.args[i]}")
if !args[2] {
} else {
fn allmode(args []bool){
linkslist :='/usr/share/applications/') or { panic(err) }
println('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<JWM>')
for i:=0; i < linkslist.len-1; i++ {
if linkslist[i].contains('.desktop') && !(linkslist[i].contains('krita_')){
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${linkslist[i]}', args))
fn categorymode(args []bool) {
mut linkslist :='/usr/share/applications/') or { panic(err) }
println('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<JWM>\n<Menu label="Accessories">')
//Clean up trash
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('.desktop')) || item.contains('krita_') { item = '/IM/' }
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "Utility") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="Office">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "Office") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="Games">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "Game") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="Graphics">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "Graphics") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="Internet">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "Network") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="System Tools">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) && checktargetcategory(item, "System") {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
item = '/IM/'
println('</Menu>\n<Menu label="Other">')
for mut item in linkslist {
if !(item.contains('/IM/')) {
println(buildprogram('/usr/share/applications/${item}', args))
fn buildprogram(filename string, args []bool) string {
file := os.read_file(filename) or {
content := file.split_into_lines()
return '<Program ${optbuildicon(content, args[0])} label="${strfinder(content, 1)}" ${optbuildtooltip(content, args[1])}>${strfinder(content, 2)}</Program>'
fn strfinder(data []string, mode int) string {
for i:=0; i < data.len-1; i++ {
match mode {
1 {
// Jump to the next line if GenericName= found, we don't need it
if data[i].contains('GenericName=') { i++ }
if data[i].contains('Name=') { return filter(data[i].substr(5, data[i].len), 1) }
} 2 {
// Same as GenericName=
if data[i].contains('TryExec=') { i++ }
if data[i].contains('Exec=') { return filter(data[i].substr(5, data[i].len), 2) }
} 3 {
if data[i].contains('Icon=') { return data[i].substr(5, data[i].len) }
} 4 {
if data[i].contains('Comment=') { return filter(data[i].substr(8, data[i].len), 2) }
else { panic('strfinder: This should NOT happen. Something went REALLY wrong.') }
fn filter(strorig string, mode int) string {
mut str := strorig.bytes()
match mode {
1 {
if strorig.contains('&') { str = strorig.replace('&', 'and').bytes()}
return str.bytestr()
2 {
if strorig.contains('<') { str = strorig.replace('<', '').bytes() }
if str.bytestr().contains('>') { str = str.bytestr().replace('>', '').bytes() }
if str.bytestr().contains(' %u') { str = str.bytestr().replace(' %u', '').bytes() }
if str.bytestr().contains(' %U') { str = str.bytestr().replace(' %U', '').bytes() }
if str.bytestr().contains(' %F') { str = str.bytestr().replace(' %f', '').bytes() }
if str.bytestr().contains(' %F') { str = str.bytestr().replace(' %F', '').bytes() }
return str.bytestr()
} else { panic('filter: This should NOT happen. Something went REALLY wrong.') }
fn checktargetcategory(filename string, check string) bool {
for line in (os.read_file("/usr/share/applications/${filename}") or { panic(err) }).split_into_lines() {
if line.contains(check) && line.contains("Categories=") { return true }
return false
fn optbuildicon(data []string, icons bool) string {
if !icons { return '' }
return ('icon="${strfinder(data, 3)}"')
fn optbuildtooltip(data []string, tooltip bool) string {
if !tooltip { return '' }
return ('tooltip="${strfinder(data, 4)}"')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<StartupCommand>setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -option grp:alt_shift_toggle</StartupCommand>
<StartupCommand>nitrogen --restore</StartupCommand>
<!-- The root menu. -->
<RootMenu onroot="12">
<Program icon="utilities-terminal" label="Terminal" tooltip="Terminal emulator for CLI programs.">terminator</Program>
<Program label="Files" icon="folder">pcmanfm</Program>
<Dynamic label="Applications" icon="view-list">exec: ~/jwmappbuilderlive -i -t</Dynamic>
<!--<Menu icon="folder" label="Utilities">
<Program icon="font" label="Fonts">xfontsel</Program>
<Program icon="info" label="Window Properties">
xprop | xmessage -file -
<Program icon="info" label="Window Information">
xwininfo | xmessage -file -
<Program icon="lock" label="Lock">
xscreensaver-command -lock
<Menu icon="document-open-recent" label="Session...">
<Restart label="Reload JWM" icon="view-refresh"/>
<Program label="Reload Wallpapers" icon="view-refresh">nitrogen --restore</Program>
<Exit label="Log out" confirm="true" icon="exit"/>
<Menu icon="view-more" label="Power...">
<Program icon="view-refresh" label="Restart">reboot</Program>
<Program icon="system-shutdown" label="Power Off">poweroff</Program>
<!-- Options for program groups. -->
<!-- Tray at the bottom. -->
<Tray x="0" y="-1" autohide="off" delay="1000" height="50">
<TrayButton label="Start">root:1</TrayButton>
<Spacer width="5"/>
<!--<Pager labeled="true"/>-->
<TaskList maxwidth="256" labeled="false"/>
<!--<Swallow width="32" height="32" name="xclock">xclock</Swallow>-->
<Clock format="%H:%M"><Button mask="123">exec:xclock</Button></Clock>
<TrayButton label="_">showdesktop</TrayButton>
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<WindowStyle decorations="flat">
<Font>Wix Madefor Display-18:weight=bold</Font>
<TrayStyle decorations="flat">
<Font>Wix Madefor Display-16</Font>
<TaskListStyle list="all" group="false" showkill="true">
<Font>Wix Madefor Display-16</Font>
<MenuStyle decorations="flat">
<Font>Wix Madefor Display-18</Font>
<Font>Wix Madefor Display-16</Font>
<!-- Path where icons can be found.
IconPath can be listed multiple times to allow searching
for icons in multiple paths.
<!-- Virtual Desktops -->
<!-- Desktop tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
<Desktops width="1" height="1">
<!-- Default background. Note that a Background tag can be
contained within a Desktop tag to give a specific background
for that desktop.
<Background type="solid">#111111</Background>
<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->
<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->
<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->
<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
<SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>
<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
<!-- Key bindings -->
<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
<Key keycode="107">exec: flameshot gui -c</Key>
<Key keycode="133">exec: flameshot screen -c</Key>
<Key keycode="121">exec: pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle</Key>
<Key keycode="122">exec: pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%</Key>
<Key keycode="123">exec: pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Up">udesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down">ddesktop</Key>
<!-- Mouse bindings -->
<Mouse context="root" button="4">ldesktop</Mouse>
<Mouse context="root" button="5">rdesktop</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="1">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="2">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="3">window</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="4">shade</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="5">shade</Mouse>
<Mouse context="title" button="11">maximize</Mouse>
<Mouse context="icon" button="1">window</Mouse>
<Mouse context="icon" button="2">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="icon" button="3">window</Mouse>
<Mouse context="icon" button="4">shade</Mouse>
<Mouse context="icon" button="5">shade</Mouse>
<Mouse context="border" button="1">resize</Mouse>
<Mouse context="border" button="2">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="border" button="3">window</Mouse>
<Mouse context="close" button="-1">close</Mouse>
<Mouse context="close" button="2">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="close" button="-3">close</Mouse>
<Mouse context="maximize" button="-1">maximize</Mouse>
<Mouse context="maximize" button="-2">maxv</Mouse>
<Mouse context="maximize" button="-3">maxh</Mouse>
<Mouse context="minimize" button="-1">minimize</Mouse>
<Mouse context="minimize" button="2">move</Mouse>
<Mouse context="minimize" button="-3">shade</Mouse>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user