![Orange PI Zero 3 pinout](./images/zero3pinout.png)
We need I2C pins here. We also need 5V (Which is VCC) pin and GND. Connect these to the display.
### Enabling I2C support in SoC Board settings
On most SoC Boards you need to enable I2C devices support.
In this example, we have Orange PI4 LTS with Armbian OS.
We need to open armbian configuration utility `sudo armbian-config` and proceed to System > Hardware.
Note that Orange PI4 LTS has RK3399 SoC. We need to select RK3399 I2C entries. Apply the changes and reboot.
![Armbian Config GUI](./images/rk3399i2c.png)
In some cases GUI Hardware configuration tool may not be available (Like Orange PI Zero 3 with DietPI OS). In that case you need to edit startup environment file in `/boot` directory.
~$ nano /boot/dietpiEnv.txt
consoleargs=console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1
# We need to insert hardware I2C name in overlays. In case of Orange PI Zero 3 this is i2c3.
# Give user permission to use i2c interface (Replace user with your username). Remember that you need re-login to user after this (You can reboot too if it didn't work for some reason).
`points` - Amount of points on the graph. Each point pepresents each hour passed. Note that points can can render out of display bounds.
`pointsDistance` - Distance between the points.
`dots` - Renders small dots on each hour. Improves graph readability.
### `[lightsoff]`
`enabled` - Enables Lights OFF mode. During set up period in `start` and `stop` values, turns display off completely. May be useful during the nighttime, where *you are sleeping and not paying attention at all* (OLED displays are VERY bright during night as well).
After succssesful install, you probably want to install it as service.
Edit `BlockyGrapher.service`. The only lines you really want to change are `User`, `Group`, `WorkingDirectory`, `ExecStart`. Also uncomment and change `After` with service name if you have one.