#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2014-18 Richard Hull and contributors # See LICENSE.rst for details. # PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK import math import time import datetime import random import urllib.request import re import sys import random import signal #from demo_opts import get_device from luma.core import cmdline, error from luma.core.render import canvas from pathlib import Path from PIL import ImageFont def make_font(name, size): return ImageFont.truetype(name, size) def display_settings(device, args): """ Display a short summary of the settings. :rtype: str """ iface = '' display_types = cmdline.get_display_types() if args.display not in display_types['emulator']: iface = f'Interface: {args.interface}\n' lib_name = cmdline.get_library_for_display_type(args.display) if lib_name is not None: lib_version = cmdline.get_library_version(lib_name) else: lib_name = lib_version = 'unknown' import luma.core version = f'luma.{lib_name} {lib_version} (luma.core {luma.core.__version__})' return f'Version: {version}\nDisplay: {args.display}\n{iface}Dimensions: {device.width} x {device.height}\n{"-" * 60}' def get_device(actual_args=None): """ Create device from command-line arguments and return it. """ if actual_args is None: actual_args = sys.argv[1:] parser = cmdline.create_parser(description='luma.examples arguments') args = parser.parse_args(actual_args) if args.config: # load config from file config = cmdline.load_config(args.config) args = parser.parse_args(config + actual_args) # create device try: device = cmdline.create_device(args) print(display_settings(device, args)) return device except error.Error as e: parser.error(e) return None def sigterm_handler(signum, frame): sys.exit(0) def scalepoints(points): if device.height == 32: h = 31 else: h = 46 sclpoint = [0] * 15 scl = 1 maxpnt = 0 i = 0 while i <= 14: if points[i] > maxpnt: maxpnt = points[i] i += 1 while h * scl < maxpnt: scl += 1 i = 0 while i <= 14: sclpoint[i] = int(points[i] / scl) i += 1 maxcanv = h * scl return sclpoint, maxcanv def movepoints(points, insert): i = 1 tmp = points[0] tmp2 = 0 points[0] = insert while i < 15: if i == 14: points[i] = tmp else: tmp2 = points[i] points[i] = tmp tmp = tmp2 i += 1 return points def getdata(prev, flaunch): data = str(urllib.request.urlopen("").read()).split("\\n") count = 0 i = 0 try: while data[i] != "# TYPE blocky_query_total counter": i += 1 except: if flaunch == True: return -1 else: return -1, 0 i += 1 while True: if data[i] == "# HELP blocky_request_duration_ms Request duration distribution": break else: try: count += int(re.sub('blocky_query_total{.*?} ', '', data[i])) except: if flaunch == True: return -1 else: return -1, 0 i += 1 if flaunch == True: return count else: return count, count - prev def drawres32(sclpo, maxcanv, failture): with canvas(device) as draw: d1 = 1 d2 = device.width - 66 now = datetime.datetime.now() while d1 < 15: draw.line((d2 + 10, 31 - sclpo[d1 - 1], d2, 31 - sclpo[d1]), fill="white") d1 += 1 d2 -= 10 draw.text((device.width - 53, device.height - 19), now.strftime("%H:%M"), font=regfont, fill="white") draw.text((0, 0), str(maxcanv), font=smafont, fill="white") draw.text((0, device.height / 2 - 4), str(int(maxcanv / 2)), font=smafont, fill="white") draw.text((0, device.height - 9), "0", font=smafont, fill="white") #draw.text((0, device.height - 14), "\uf011", font=icons, fill="white") if failture: draw.text((device.width - 50, 0), "\uf071", font=icons, fill="white") def drawres64(sclpo, maxcanv, failture, restart): with canvas(device) as draw: d1 = 1 d2 = device.width - 10 now = datetime.datetime.now() while d1 < 15: draw.line((d2 + 10, 47 - sclpo[d1 - 1], d2, 47 - sclpo[d1]), fill="white") d1 += 1 d2 -= 10 draw.text((device.width - 53, device.height - 19), now.strftime("%H:%M"), font=regfont, fill="white") draw.text((0, 0), str(maxcanv), font=smafont, fill="white") draw.text((0, (device.height - 19) / 2 - 2), str(int(maxcanv / 2)), font=smafont, fill="white") draw.text((0, device.height - 26), "0", font=smafont, fill="white") #draw.text((0, device.height - 14), "\uf011", font=icons, fill="white") if failture: draw.text((2, device.height - 14), "\uf071", font=icons, fill="white") if restart: draw.text((22, device.height - 14), "\uf021", font=icons, fill="white") def main(): print("Blocky Graph Monitor for OLED v1.4") print("(C) Nikopol 2024") today_last_time = "NaN" last_hrs = "NaN" failture = False restart = False resticker = 0 device.contrast(0) points = [0] * 15 total = getdata(0, True) if total == -1: failture = True while True: now = datetime.datetime.now() today_time = now.strftime("%H:%M") hrs = now.strftime("%H") if today_time != today_last_time: today_last_time = today_time if hrs != last_hrs: #if 1: last_hrs = hrs if resticker > 0: resticker = resticker + 1 elif resticker >= 15: resticker = 0 restart = False total, query = getdata(total, False) print(total) print(query) if total == -1: failture = True else: failture = False if query < 0: restart = True query = 0 resticker = 1 points = movepoints(points, query) sclpo, maxcanv = scalepoints(points) if device.height == 32: drawres32(sclpo, maxcanv, failture) else: drawres64(sclpo, maxcanv, failture, restart) time.sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: device = get_device() regfont = make_font("TerminusTTF-4.49.3.ttf", 22) smafont = make_font("TerminusTTF-4.49.3.ttf", 12) icons = make_font("fontawesome-webfont.ttf", 15) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass